Mrs. Little’s Biology Class
This course explores the disciplinary core ideas (content) in seven integrated topics: (1) Biodiversity & Population Dynamics, (2) Structure & Function, (3) Cycling of Matter & Energy, (4) Genetic Variations in Organisms, (5) Evolution by Natural Selection, (6)Life & Earth’s Systems, and (7)Human Impacts on Earth’s Systems. This course will utilize guiding questions, project based learning (PBL), tests, quizzes, and lab notebooks to frame topics and to guide students through the learning experience. To ensure success in this course, each student is advised to keep up with course readings, complete all assignments, attend class, and pass exams and quizzes.
If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please feel free to contact me at the following options:
School: 479.885.3344
Email: (best option)
Mrs. Little