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Brianna Arrington's Profile


Brianna Arrington

High School Math Teacher

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

(479) 885-3344

Cell Phone:

(539) 302-7182

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Clarksville High School in May 2010, and immediately started college. I started at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville as a Math Ed major because I knew going in that I wanted to be a math teacher. In four years, I graduated from ATU with two bachelor degrees (2014). After graduation I took a year off so that I could teach my first year with no distractions. I then re-enrolled at ATU as a Criminal Justice major and graduated again in 2016 with my first associate’s degree, and May 2017 with my second. In June of 2017, I enrolled in a master’s program at ATU and completed that degree in August of 2019. Since finishing, I have decided to take another couple of years off before choosing my next program.

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education (May 2014)
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (May 2014)
  • Associate of Arts in General Education (Aug 2016)
  • Associate of Science in Criminal Justice (May 2017)
  • Master of Science in College Student Personnel (Aug 2019) with a graduate certificate in Academic Advising

Professional Development:

I have attended Advanced Placement Summer Institute, put on by University of Arkansas at Little Rock, nearly every summer since 2014 to continue to be certified to teach an AP class.

Current Position:

I applied to Lamar School District in May 2014 and was hired in the same month. I started my first year teaching in Lamar High School in August 2014 and have been here in Lamar ever since. I have taught Pre-Calculus and Quantitative Literacy every year that I’ve been teaching, and I occasionally teach AP Calculus when there are students interested.

Family Information:

I am happily married (since Sept ‘15) to my husband, Brett Arrington. We currently have two dogs, Thor and Loki, and we treat them like our children. Our daughter, Lizzie, was born in April 2021, and we couldn’t have asked for a better daughter. We are so glad to get to be her parents.

Personal Information:

When I’m not teaching, planning lessons, grading papers, or other teacherly duties, I enjoy spending time with my husband, daughter, dogs, or my extended family. Some of my hobbies include binging tv shows and movies, coloring, and scrapbooking, but I also enjoy learning in my own classes at Arkansas Tech University.

Brianna Arrington

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